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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Minutes 2010/04/29

New London/Sunapee Joint Quarterly Meeting
April 29, 2010
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup – Chairman, Christopher Leonard, David Cain, Paul Manson, David Montambeault.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Richard Lee, Mark Kaplan, Tina Helm, Peter Bianchi, Jessie Levine, Donna Nashawaty, Neil Cheseldine, Lee & Joyce Bosse, Charles Smith.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

December 10, 2009 Joint Meeting Minutes:  Mark K. made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Tina H., Jessie L. pointed out a correction to the header on page 2,  New London voted in favor of the motion, Sunapee voted in favor of the motion, so declared by the Chairman.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that he had to order a new sludge pump and that he received permission from the Commissioners via phone to do so. David C. made a motion to pay for the pump using replacement funds, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding the pump, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Dave B. reported that they are trying again to pump out ditch two and that it is not going very well.
Dave B. reported that there had been a ph violation at the plant on Monday and that they are adding more magnesium hydroxide to try and bring the ph back up.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade:  Neil C. stated that on 2/25/10 there had been a letter from RDA giving a preliminary funding letter showing a possible 43% grant for the project. In early April Commissioners, Neil C. and Jessie L. met with RDA who had flagged the project because the regional underwriter for RDA did not like the wording regarding New London’s 65% ownership of the plant. New London does not qualify for the RDA grant funding due to their median household income. Neil C. stated that he has revised the report showing New London as a bulk user in the system with no real mention of who the bulk user is. Mark K. questioned why if the report was rejected before would it go through this time. There was some discussion regarding if the rewording will work and if it was in some way underhanded. Tina H. stated that she would like to hear the rest of what Neil C. has to say before discussing the issue. Neil C. stated that RDA now has everything in their hands that they need to resubmit to the underwriter for regional review again. Neil C. stated that he had asked RDA where the project stands now with this new approach and that they had been confident that it may still be eligible for grant funding, with hope that it may be the 43% mentioned earlier given the reworking of the report. David C. stated that he thinks the RDA employees in Concord really want to see this project happen. There was much discussion regarding the meeting with RDA and how the funding would occur. Neil C. stated that the applicant must spend the entire amount of the loan proceeds prior to RDA taking over the loan, then the grant funds can be drawn on. Neil C. stated that an SRF loan from the state for the interim would be at 1% interest and there was much discussion regarding interest rates in the future. There was some discussion regarding the legalities of the agreement between the Towns for the funding and what the articles had stated. Jessie L. questioned the $570,000 not qualifying for the grant funding. Neil C. stated that Sunapee would be required to spend that contribution from its reserves, and that the new numbers for the year 2009 had worked out much better than the older information. There was much discussion regarding the user charges listed in the financials. Neil C. stated that the project is still on schedule and that the preliminary design should be complete in a month. There was much discussion regarding moving forward with the design portion of the project and the need to upgrade the plant regardless of grant funding availability.
Donna N. questioned whether the project should be split out in order for New London to get
State grant funding. Neil C. stated that Wright-Pierce will be applying for any and all grants
that may be available for the project. Jessie L. questioned if New London should be
attending all of the Sunapee meetings. There was much discussion regarding capacity,
projected growth and if the project would increase capacity.

6:36 p.m. the joint quarterly meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2010.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup, Chairman                               David Montambeault, Vice-Chairman

_________________________________               __________________________________
Christopher Leonard                                     David Cain

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Peter Hill                      

Paul Manson                                             Tina Helm

Peter Bianci                                            Mark Kaplan